Hola !

We welcome you to the first edition of studio+91 Design Engineering newsletter. In the spirit of working remotely, our notions of living and working, meeting and connecting have undergone transformations that we are trying to adapt at the same time. Before we move ahead, we want to salute the tireless efforts of the health workers across the globe, fighting and saving lives during this pandemic crisis.

Let us move forward to fun part, our journey, our stories, the value and opportunities design engineering team has provided in a short time to empower experiences on Bing.

Bing Shopping

Development of the Retail Hub page Banner Prototype V2 re design of retail banners, highly responsive and scalable code.  Worked on the algorithm to generate foreground color detection by employing the luminosity index between background and foreground colors.
In simpler terms, we are now auto detecting dark/light theme font colors on any given background. This prototype will empower Bing Shopping with customized banners for each hub page, purely built with HTML and CSS.

Retail Banner Tool

Innovative tool to bring out suggestive colors from images and empower the Editorial team to test out banner images in real time, cross devices.
The tool has given us a huge opportunity, as UI developers and designers to automate a lot of manual work for designing every banner type experience on Retail.

Auto generate banners from images

Design engineering team has lit up experience on MSN Store cards and Windows feed. We have created an open API which has auto generated banner components with banner color and font color for over 400+ banners across product categories.
The algorithm used by our design engineer is running on top of an Open Source Code with color detection logic, the application of automated of designs has immense use cases, and we aim to power more experiences in the future.

Bing Travel

Explore new destinations L2

Explore a City or National park powered by decision influencing data, curated insights and/or crowd sourced destinations on Bing.
Redesigned destination L2 encourages both locals and travelers to explore this incredible experience on Bing.
Agile development on SNR, integrated with light box which has proved valuable and is now being introduced to other verticals.

Bing Webmaster Tools


Bing webmaster tools are redesigned to improve performance and user experience with enhanced existing tools Backlinks, URL Submission, Keyword Research, SEO Reports. Also added new powerful tools URL Inspection, Site scan, Similar Sites, Robots.txt to empower webmasters to achieve more.

Accessible to All

Bing Webmaster supports 44 different languages. User can view Webmaster in their native language through Settings > Display language > Select Language

Bing webmaster tools supports RTL language support for Arabic, Hebrew languages

We have built New Bing Webmaster Tools using React and Fluent UI to improve performance and make it responsive to access across devices. We have also made complete portal accessible from keyboard, screen reader and for users requiring high contrast mode support.

So much more with Bing Webmaster

Once you have a Bing Webmaster Tools account, you can add sites to your account.  Sites can also be added manually by entering the URL in the input box and clicking add.
Site owners can now add users in Webmaster Tool and grant them different levels of permissions.
Analyze your websites backlinks profile with max of two other sites backlinks. Webmaster can temporarily disable a site for comparison.

Bing Health

COVID-19 Tracker

During these unprecedented times, when the entire world is fighting against an unknown enemy the Covid-19 virus, Bing Design engineers have contributed to provide their users with the live information on the spread of Corona virus

Vaccine Tracker

Users can track outbreak stats, news, videos, trends and vaccine status across the world.
The experience is live on Bing and design engineers have contributed in building this experience using fluent UI components and custom ReactJS components


Design engineering team has also been actively working on improving the user experience on MSB.

The aesthetic appeal to user while interacting with MSB component, providing pixel perfect rendering on all resolutions, are some of the contributions DE team have powered.

MSB Homepage to MSB Answers goes through a code quality and responsive rendering check.

M365 Admin Portal

We are working towards enhancing the UX and useability of MSB Admin Portal.

Styling and flow fixes on Microsoft Search Acronym answers were done by the design engineers at studio.



Shopping Mini App

DE team has also contributed to the Dogfood Release of Shopping Super App, the entire redesign of all the existing screens Hub pages, L2s and L2.5s was shipped.
As Shopping experience is highly powered by carefully curated images. Currently we am working towards improving the quality of images which we rendered on the Shop mini app.

SMS Organizer Mini App

SMS Organizer FRE integration with the new design and UX changes was owned by us.